Our Political Opinions as a Company

Our political opinions are simple to summarize in one word: NONE
The president of this company believes that a business is in business to provide products and/or services and to make a profit, period. A business does not exist as part of a political arm for ANY politician or political party. A business does not exist to relay an opinion as a business because doing so assumes that all of its employees have the exact same position.
Our president owned a chain of convenience stores from 1995-2001 and even then, when this country wasn’t in such divisiveness, he forbade anyone from displaying their signs on the lawns of the stores regardless of the candidate or political party. It didn’t matter if he personally supported that candidate, never was an exception made. At one location that was directly next to town property where signs could legally be displayed, he personally took all of them down on a nightly basis because he refused to allow customers to even have the impression the store had a political position. He was threated with legal action over this behavior several times and stood his ground. Eventually, no new signs were posted.
As for your politics, we do not care what your political opinion is either. We’re not in the business of politics. We also don’t cater to any customer on the basis of politics. We never have, we never will. We simply don’t care.
If you run into a product on one of our sites, such as NoveltyMeds.com that seems to have a political tone, you’ll also notice that there is a balance of those products. We don’t carry them because we’re political, we carry them because that’s what the customers want to buy, and our customers are entitled to have whatever political opinion they want to. We don’t care.
In dealing with our company, please know that we treat all of our employees fairly and we didn’t need to get involved in the political DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) or ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) nonsense. We are not a publicly held company. We do not answer to stockholders. We refuse to involve ourselves in such discriminatory behavior, which is exactly what DEI and ESG are. You’ll notice and continue to notice that companies that fall under the “spell” of what is known as wokeness are in fact living up to the expectation, “Get woke, go broke!” and we’re not any part of that nor will we ever be.
You are welcomed to do business with us regardless of your beliefs. We don’t care about that. We treat our customers and our employees with decency and respect, and that’s all that should really matter. Well, beyond that, we also strive to deliver quality products and services at fair prices, certainly important as well, but just know that we are not now nor will we ever be a politically driven company.
We appreciate your business no matter who you are or what you believe.
Visit our corporate website at https://choosediversified.com where you can find information and links to our other divisions as well as our connected companies, Diversified Global LLC and Diversified Media LLC.
Thank you for choosing Diversified.